Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Creative activities for you and your child!

Encounters with animals can make a great topic of conversation for you and your child!
( This will help him develop his range of sounds)

1) Gather up the family for a trip to the nearest zoo, farm,or petting zoo.

 2) As you see the animals, imitate the noises they make.
3) On the drive back, take turns recalling what animals you saw and what noises they made.
4) In the kitchen, keep a brochure from the zoo or a book depicting some of the animals you saw. You can chat with child about your zoo walk and make the animal noises while you work in the kitchen.
If you can feed the animals then make sure you do!
( Wash hands after)


1 comment:

  1. Awesome idea! Keeps the memory of the trip alive too!! Thanks!!
